Beal Counseling & Consulting State Funded Drug Rehab

State Funded Rehab Centers
Somerset, PA
Contact Information

445 Westridge Road
Somerset, PA - 15501

814-444-9696 Click to call There are no comments. Be the first to leave one below.
About Beal Counseling & Consulting State Funded Drug Rehab

private outpatient counseling facility for children, adolescents, adults, couples and families. Our goal is to provide individualized counseling services to those seeking assistance with substance abuse issues, mental health conditions, and other emotional concerns in a respectful, caring atmosphere. Mental Health We provide individual, marital/couples, and family counseling to individuals seeking assistance and support with a variety of personal challenges that one may experience. Our goal is to help individuals find, achieve, and maintain a well-balanced, healthy lifestyle. Our staff will utilize a variety of interventions and techniques to achieve this outcome. Some of these techniques may include: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Reality Therapy, Family Systems Theory, Rational Emotive Therapy, and Play Therapy. Drug and Alcohol Our facility is a drug-free atmosphere that will foster recovery by providing individuals with an opportunity for continued support and promotion of the chemical free lifestyle. The process of Drug and Alcohol Treatment begins with a Comprehensive Assessment. We provide the Comprehensive Drug and Alcohol Assessment in order to determine the appropriate type of treatment for each individual. Services will be provided to individuals, including adolescents and adults, who are dealing with substance abuse or substance dependence issues. We are licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health as an Outpatient Drug and Alcohol facility. DUI- Individual’s who have received a DUI, in the state of Pennsylvania, may be required to seek a Comprehensive Drug and Alcohol assessment. Our facility is licensed to provide this assessment. Following the assessment, recommendations will be made for the appropriate type/level of care. School Based Services Beal Counseling & Consulting (BCC) recognizes the significance of substance use issues among our youth and the need for quality care. As a licensed outpatient facility BCC has been serving youth in our community for several years and has identified common barriers to receiving care: Lack of transportation Scheduling difficulties Low parental involvement With the identification of the barriers to treatment BCC has developed a program to address this need. School Based Services will bring quality care to the child on-site, in schools. These services will be provided at no cost to the school as a result of our license to provide care in an alternative satellite setting. BCC School Based Services vary in their intensity and purpose. School Based Outpatient School Based Outpatient is a community based alternative to traditional outpatient therapy. In School Based Outpatient, BCC is licensed to provide services in a school setting as a satellite outpatient facility, thus allowing for services to be billed to Medical Assistance (MA). BCC places a therapist on site at schools to meet the drug & alcohol treatment needs of students. Individual, family, and group counseling are the main components of this service. Teen Intervene Teen-Intervene is a tested, time-efficient, evidence-based program for teenagers (twelve to nineteen years old) suspected of experiencing mild to moderate problems associated with alcohol or other drug use. The program can also include the participation of teens’ parents or guardians. The Teen-Intervene program integrates stages of change theory, motivational interviewing, and cognitive-behavioral therapy to help teens reduce and ultimately eliminate their chemical use. If your school has any questions about our School Based Services or would like to request additional information please contact us using the contact form found on this site. Consulting Beal Counseling and Consulting (BCC) will provide consulting to businesses, community groups, and organizations who are seeking a specialized approach to addressing a problem(s) identified by the group. Consultation may take the form of providing an educational presentation to enlighten a group to the specifics of an identified concern. This is a highly specialized and tailored service. Please call with any requests or questions that you or your organization may have. Certified Recovery Specialist ServicesCertified Recovery Specialists (CRS) are a supplemental service available to individuals before, during, after and in lieu of formal clinical drug and alcohol treatment to achieve the fundamental goal of long term recovery management: recovery and a meaningful life in the community. Beal Counseling and Consulting Peer Based Recovery Support Services were developed within the best practice guidelines of Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC). Peer-based recovery support is the process of giving and receiving practical skill building non-clinical assistance for those striving to achieve long-term recovery from alcohol and/or other drug related problems. Certified Recovery Specialist services involves a larger perspective of life concerns than those typically addressed in clinical treatment, including basic life necessities, rebuilding of healthy lifestyles, sober leisure activities and community service, and enhancing both meaning and purpose to life. CRS SERVICES include: Assistance accessing various community resources (education, housing, transportation, recovery supports, etc.) Guidance on the recovery process and recovery education Help with developing a Personal Recovery Plan Assistance in building life skills (budgeting, job searching, interviewing skills, etc.) Telephone Recovery Support (Recovery Checkups: to receive phone calls from a CRS) Introduce and Engage recoverees in the Recovery Community Provide support before, during, and after treatment Advocacy Outreach for recoverees in early recovery Recovery Support Groups Mix of Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Substance Abuse Treatment Services
Accepts Clients on Opioid Medication
Cognitive/Behavioral Therapy Treatment Approach
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Treatment Approach
Substance Abuse Counseling Approach
Trauma-Related Counseling
Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy Treatment Approach
Smoking Permitted in Designated Area at facility
Outpatient Treatment
Regular Outpatient Treatment
Private Facility
State Substance Abuse Agency facility
State Mental Health Department facility
State Department of Health facility
Cash or Self-payment
Medicaid Payment
State Financed Health Insurance Plan Other Than Medicaid
Private Health Insurance
Military Insurance
Federal or Any Government Funding for Substance Abuse Program payment
Persons with Co-occurring Mental and Substance Use Disorders program
Treatment for Gambling Disorder also treated.
Individual Counseling also Offered
Family Counseling also Offered
Marital/Couples Counseling also Offered
12-Step Facilitation Approach also offered.
Brief Intervention Approach also offered.
Motivational Interviewing also offered.
Anger Management also offered.
Accepts children and adolescents.
Accepts young adults.
Accepts adults.
Accepts women.
Accepts men.
DUI client services accepts.

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